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About The Chiro Doc

Our Philosophy

Mom and daughter on swingAt The Chiro Doc, we want to discover the reason for your pain and help you achieve a lifetime of health. We know that pain and discomfort are complex but that is why it interests us.

When we understand how your condition is impacting your ability to experience life and express yourself optimally, we can work with you to create a care plan that is sustainable and that will inspire you to keep working on creating new positive nerve impulses to diminish your pain and improve your mobility and ability to function.

Our History

We’ve been in our current location since 2021, offering unique care to help everyone in our community create the lifelong health they desire. Dr. Josh is a great listener and very down-to-earth—his goal is to put patients at ease and help them feel comfortable and relaxed, which is step one in the healing process.

Changing Patterns

How you feel, good or bad, is a result of how your nerves and body interact with your environment and other people. Our mission is to provide an environment where you feel good coming in, then apply science-based procedures to stimulate the musculoskeletal system and brain to create new, positive patterns. Replacing patterns that create pain with patterns that feel good is the means by which we retrain your body so it can express optimal health, which is its innate ability.

Our office is upbeat, positive, and encouraging, and patients enjoy spending time here. Never stuffy or clinical, our entire team is friendly, fun and professional, and he offers support and guidance to help you stay focused on your goals.

Upper Cervical

NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) upper cervical work is a specific type of chiropractic care that is focused on the Atlas, which is a joint in your neck. Dr. Josh is trained in this type of care and incorporates it into his overall approach to creating lifelong wellness.

Book Today

Contact us today to schedule. Our entire practice can’t wait to welcome you into our care!


About The Chiro Doc | (250) 980-6845